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Beard ~ Muffs ~ Blue Eggs

Ameraucanas are a hardy bird with a solid build, pea comb and no wattles which makes them hardy in cold climates. They have an upright tail, a beard and muffs making them one of the most adorable chickens (our kids love our Ameraucanas). They are well known for their friendly, calm and underfoot type temperament. Hens and roosters both are easily handled, great with our kids and do not mind sitting on our kid’s laps or being picked up. They are also very alert and predator savvy birds. Because of these traits they are a popular choice for families and backyard flocks.

The Ameraucana chicken is often confused with the Araucana or the hatchery variety “Ameracana or Americana” or easter eggers. The Ameraucana is a popular choice and favourite among many poultry keepers and fanciers. Here at Birch Acres we are focused on heritage breeds and only offer authentic APA standard Ameraucana. We currently offer Large Fowl Blue Ameraucana. We are replenishing our Wheaten Ameraucana flock also Large Fowl by the APA standard and hope to offer them next season. 

Blue Ameraucana chickens are named for their beautiful, blue-coloured plumage, they do come in a range of shades of blue from a deep blue over the body and a darker lacing on the hackles to a lighter slate blue. Being of blue genetics they also hatch out solid black in colour with very uniform glossy feathers and a greenish blue sheen which glistens in the sun, or splash (now recognized by the APA) which is a white to light ash feather spotted with either blue or black giving them a spotted appearance.  

We offer Blue/Black/Splash Ameraucana out of 3 breeding lines.

We are working on our Black Exhibition Line and our Self-Blue (Lavender) line. We are offering eggs and chicks out of our BBS line for the 2025 season.  

Ameraucana like all true Ameraucana’s lay 200 – 250 medium to large size blue eggs a year. The shade of blue can vary from a lighter pale blue to a richer shade of blue.

Pullets start to lay around 6 months and will lay prolifically during the spring and summer months. We have recorded a few of our blue pullets laying at 21 weeks.

We have sourced our BBS Ameraucana from 3 separate breeders across Canada. 

Large Fowl Blue , Black, Splash, and Self-Blue colour varieties of Ameraucana fall under the “All Other Standard Breed” (AOSB) class of chicken and are recognized by the American Poultry Association.

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